Known Issue: Socialize service not posting updates

Friday, September 24, 2010 | 4:46 PM

Issue: Since early this morning, the Socialize service has not been posting feed updates to Twitter. The source of the problem has been identified, and should be fixed soon, at which point updates will start being posted again.

Update (9:14pm PST 24-Sep): The Socialize issue has been resolved and Twitter updating is fully resumed.

Update (10:38am PST 25-Sep): Another problem occurred which has led to another interruption of service. We are working on a solution.

Update (10:30pm PST 26-Sep): Service has now been restored and is functioning properly. Over the weekend, due to related issues, some posts were generated with shortened URLs that do not function properly (cause 404 errors when clicked), and some duplicate posts may have been generated. These problems have been fixed and should not happen in future.